That’s Fine by Me
I’m pretty sure that’s not the way you should be applying your lipstick but the way she’s doing it is just fine by me.
There’s a lot of salmon shades in that pic isn’t there? So much so that you could probably only get away with it in an angling magazine or on a porn site so we should be all good on that account too.
I recently saw an old friend i had not seen in almost a decade and he had a new girlfriend. The last time I saw him he was married. His new girlfriend was just as chunky as his ex wife and they are both just as plump as the girls on this site.
After a few beers the conversation had to turned to women and sex, like it always does with guys when at one point he very passionately exclaimed that he couldn’t understand why most guys wanted skinny women when you could more woman for the same amount of grief she’s going to give you.
Tough to argue with that.
Here’s a 67% off Plumpers and Big Women discount; more porn and more women.